Air sets it’s credo in stone (on paper) with Anthony Burrill

About one year and 3 months ago Air announced new beginnings. A lot has happened since, a lot has changed. New team, new clients, new projects, new campaigns, new office, new way of working, new logo, new website under construction and even a new url ( It all seems to work. To celebrate its first victories, the Creative Council reached out to UK based graphic artist Anthony Burrill to make a statement piece in his iconic style . It destiles Air’s credo in one sentence - one question: & WHAT IF IT WORKS?

Karel De Mulder, CCD at Air:  « & WHAT IF IT WORKS? Is our answer to these 1001 ‘what if…?’ questions that bring doubt when big decisions need to be made or when change comes knocking at the door. (Btw The easiest way to get your hands on one of these 300 artist prints, is joining the team or become a client of Air.) »

Anthony Burrill: « You don’t know if you don’t try it out. Get on and make it happen and see if it works. If it doesn’t work, try again until it does work. What you think was going to work might end up not working and the thing that you thought wouldn’t work does work. That’s the story of creativity and that’s why we love what we do. »

Air management (all together): « Sometimes it take guts, guts to leave a comfortable job, guts to change an agency model when the existing model exists 20 years already, guts to say “Yes” when it’s safer to say “No”,  guts to ask Eric Hollander : “Would you be bothered if  we change the logo?”  We might not have an answer to all of our questions, but today we already know that the best answer is another question: & What if it works? »


Credits :

Agency: AIR

CEO: Stephane Buisseret
Creative Chairman: Eric Hollander

CD: AIR Creative Council
Creation: Karel De Mulder, Arnaud Bailly, John Benois, Romain Felix

Graphic Artist: Anthony Burrill
Film: Tom Sharman

Special thanks to : Alice Stadion, Amandine Marion, Anastasia Bousson, Bas De Hooghe, Bérengère Lurquin, Boris Delire, Chantal Gilet, Charlotte Keup, Christophe Didisheim, Clara Climent, Denis Haillez, Hanane Lazhar, Ingrid Mathisen, Julie De Kock, Laurent Paulus, Laurent Lejeune, Laurie Parres-Albert, Laurie Lacourt, Lena Vyncke, Liesbet Ampoorter, Louis Gheysens, Maria Santoro, Marie Paris, Marc Richard Vander Heyden, Medhi Tribak, Nabil Aniss, Pauline Heraly, Renaud Goossens, Sabine Leblon, Steven Janssens, Sven Wouters, Tim de Brouwer, Tom Ernst & many more



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About air brussels - partner of McCann

Air is the leading independent agency in Belgium, an exclusive partner of McCann Group. Strategic, creative irrespective of the communication channel and results focused, Air intends to give meaning to the lives of brands, their users and its employees. 

Air is committed to being a source of inspiration with a view to a more sustainable world, and an action driver for its employees, clients and partners. On the strength of this commitment, the agency has begun a B Corp certification process. It is already a ‘zero carbon’ company in terms of its own emissions and is able to neutralize the emissions of its clients’ campaign productions, through its proprietary algorithm.


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+32 (0)2 543 06 66